Key Takeaways
- Affirmations are a self-help tool that can help you remain positive when confronted with stress.
- Positive body affirmations may help you improve your self-esteem and body image.
- We’ve created 30 body affirmations you can try whenever you need an extra boost of positivity.
A daily affirmation practice may help you push away negative thoughts and replace tired narratives with fresh, positive messaging.
This self-help strategy is proven to help people maintain a positive self-view when confronted with threatening scenarios.
It can also decrease stress, increase well-being, and make people more open to behavior change.
The best affirmation speaks directly to your goals—and if you’re trying to improve your body image, you’ll love this article.
Keep reading to learn why affirmations are effective, and try using our positive body affirmations the next time you need help overcoming negative body image thoughts.
What Are Body Affirmations?
Positive body affirmations are self-help phrases that bolster self-confidence and improve body image.
They should be succinct, empowering, and direct.
We’ve created 30 positive body affirmations to get you started.
Our affirmations can help you:
- Appreciate your body.
- Learn how to stop comparing yourself to others.
- Create boundaries against people who make negative body comments.
We’ve also included affirmations to use when you’re having a bad day. Unfortunately, those days are inevitable, but learning to respond productively may help turn your day around.
30 Positive Body Affirmations to Practice Daily
Here are 30 positive body affirmations you can practice daily.
To get started, choose the phrases that resonate with you the most.
Also, physical touch is a powerful tool to help you feel calmer and connected.
See how speaking an affirmation with your hands touching your legs, arms, or torso feels.
Affirmations to Appreciate Your Body
1. My body is a safe space.
2. I’m grateful for everything my body does. Here are some examples of what your body does:
- Protects you from illnesses.
- Takes you places.
- Heals wounds and injuries.
3. I appreciate and respect my body.
4. I love my (insert unique characteristics, like nose, lips, hips, etc.) because it reminds me of my (insert family member).
5. I’m thankful for my body’s strength and resilience.
6. Taking care of my body feels good.
7. I choose to say kind things about my body.
8. My opinion of my body is the only one that matters.
9. My body lets me know when it needs rest, and I will do my best to listen to these cues instead of pushing.
10. I don’t need to change my body.
11. My body feels energized and ready to take on the day.
12. The number on the scale doesn’t define my value.
13. I am worthy of love (regardless of my body's appearance).
14. Clothes are made to fit my body—not the other way around.
15. My body helps me live a meaningful, fulfilling life.
Affirmations to Halt Body Comparisons
16. My body is different than his/hers, but that doesn’t mean one is better than the other.
17. My self-worth has nothing to do with how others look.
18. Social media isn’t real. Also, consider unfollowing social media accounts that trigger negative body image thoughts or promote negative body image beliefs.
19. Each person’s body is unique.
20. I will celebrate our bodies instead of focusing on the differences.
Boundaries for Other People’s Negative Comments
21. I can’t control what others say about me and will set boundaries for future conversations.
22. That person said hurtful things, but it doesn’t define me.
23. I am enough exactly as I am.
24. That person’s body image beliefs are not mine (and have nothing to do with me).
25. I will not let someone else’s negativity bring me down.
What to Say on a Bad Day
26. Today is a bad day, and I will let myself feel my emotions.
27. I don’t hate my body; I hate the way society tells me to feel about my body.
28. My body may change shape, but my core values and amazing personality won’t.
29. I will do activities that bring me joy (and don’t focus on my body).
Examples include crocheting, scrapbooking, playing an instrument, reading, etc.
30. I’m unhappy with my body today, but I’ve come so far in my healing journey, and I know I can pull myself out of this temporary bad mood.
How to Practice Positive Body Affirmations
You can start practicing positive body affirmations instantly.
Start by choosing a statement from our list that calls to you the most, and try saying it out loud.
If you feel self-conscious, wait until you’re home alone.
If you're uncomfortable, try writing the affirmations down in a journal.
Feel free to modify our statements and use language that better fits your voice.
Tips For Staying Consistent with Affirmations
No guidelines exist for how often you must say positive body affirmations to experience their benefits.
However, many healthy behaviors are more likely to be effective when they’re consistent.
To build consistency, try to repeat your favorite positive body affirmations at the same time every day.
You can set up a timer on your phone if you work best with a prompt.
Also, it might be helpful to put up visual reminders of the positive affirmations.
For example, you could write them on a sticky note and attach them to a mirror or a desk monitor or create a text-based wallpaper on your phone.
Affirmation Apps
Some apps can help you practice daily affirmations for a more positive outlook.
Here are three top-rated apps you may want to try:
- I am (daily affirmations to help change negative thoughts.)
- ThinkUp (daily affirmations on stress relief, job changes, relationships, etc.)
- SELF: Self-care & Self-love (a blend of positive daily affirmations and mindfulness exercises.)
Self-affirmations are acts (or spoken phrases) that can boost a person’s self-esteem.
They’re also a great way to boost your mood on a bad day.
Saying an affirmation out loud can remind you of the bigger picture, which may help you move on faster instead of ruminating on the negative.
To start your day with extra positivity, try saying your affirmation first thing in the morning or after you’ve picked your outfit for the day.
If you’re a night owl, you might benefit more by saying your affirmations later in the day.
If this practice is working, keep going! Consider meeting with a dietitian or mental health counselor for more individualized support.
How a Dietitian Can Help
A registered dietitian is a nutrition expert and licensed healthcare professional.
They work alongside your healthcare team to provide holistic care and help you feel your best.
At Nourish, dietitians offer individualized counseling and use evidence-based strategies to heal your relationship with food and improve your body image.
Some of these practices include intuitive eating and mindfulness.
You may not know what to expect if you’ve never worked with a dietitian.
Here are some questions people have asked:
- How can I overcome shame eating?
- I’m afraid to eat junk food—can you help me address those fears?
- Why do I get hungry at night?
- Can you recommend any books about emotional eating?
At Nourish, all visits are virtual and 55 minutes in length. Find a dietitian who accepts insurance now.
Do you have any of these insurances?

Frequently Asked Questions
Positive body affirmations may help you improve your body image.
Try saying them out loud at home and see if you feel more positive afterward.
For evidence-based support, consider working with a dietitian or mental health counselor.
Manifesting is a visualization technique where people focus their thoughts on a desired outcome.
You can try to manifest body positivity by thinking, “I will feel confident in my appearance tomorrow.” or “I will feel energetic, healthy, and beautiful.”
You can encourage body positivity by practicing daily affirmations, completing self-help exercises, and pursuing counseling.
You may also benefit from setting boundaries with people who make unsavory comments about physical appearance or body shape.