Find a Nutritionist Specializing in Bulimia

Nourish is the easiest way to find a personalized program for patients with bulimia and get it covered by your insurance.
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Find a Bulimia dietitian covered by insurance

How Nourish works

Nourish helps you develop healthy habits that last.
All over telehealth and covered by your insurance.
Katie Olson
Eating disorder
Emotional eating
Pre- or postnatal nutrition
Sports & performance nutrition
Patient’s chief complaint
Christina is looking to manage her prediabetes and lose weight. She also reports stomach pain 2-3 times per week.
High-protein, plant-based lunches
Appointment summary
Hi Christina!
It was such a pleasure to meet with you today! I loved helping you understand how your eating habits are influencing your overall health.
High-protein, plant-based lunches
Short-term Goals
Eating breakfast 3-4 days between now and our next session
Test out the recipes above, revisit other favorites
Program Goals
Get your energy back
Balance your nutrition to support energy and eating consistently

Helping millions live healthier

Helping people with <Condition> find the best dietitian

Read more success stories
I am not just a number on the scale. My dietitian takes into consideration so many things that aren’t even related to my weight, which I had never realized were contributing to my health.


37, <Condition>

Since that first meeting, my dietitian has completely changed my view around food. I’ve been able to work with her to find out which food, patterns, and other factors influence my stomach pain.


25, <Condition>

Nourish has helped me improve my numbers on my blood results and taught me so much about how I can maintain healthy food choices without making large sacrifices in what I like to eat.


71, <Condition>

I am not just a number on the scale. My dietitian takes into consideration so many things that aren’t even related to my weight, which I had never realized were contributing to my health.

37, <Condition>

Since that first meeting, my dietitian has completely changed my view around food. I’ve been able to work with her to find out which food, patterns, and other factors influence my stomach pain.


25, <Condition>

Nourish has helped me improve my numbers on my blood results and taught me so much about how I can maintain healthy food choices without making large sacrifices in what I like to eat.


71, <Condition>

Stress and sleep
Weight loss
Eating disorders
Meal plans
Metabolic health
Hormonal health
Pre and postnatal health
Much more!

How a Nourish dietitian can help manage Bulimia

Personalized nutrition planning

We offer virtual one-on-one sessions with dietitians to discuss preventative actions that can be taken to address your health concerns. We educate, assess lifestyle changes, help plan your nutrition, and support our clients toward long-lasting success using personalized nutrition counseling.

Convenient, virtual appointments

Receive the highest quality care wherever you are most comfortable. You get access to your dietitian virtually anytime, anywhere. No more driving to appointments. No more waiting around.

Avoiding future complications

The payoff you’ll see for adjusting your lifestyle with nutrition counseling will be tremendous for your health. You’re less likely to suffer from a heart condition, kidney failure, and other serious conditions with the proper discipline and determination that we help provide.


We’ve got answers.

Still deciding if we’re right for you? These frequently asked questions may help.

How can I find a <Name> dietitian who accepts my insurance?

Nourish has <Name> dietitians in-network with major insurers like Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Healthcare, Aetna, Cigna, and Medicare. 95% of Nourish patients pay $0 when using insurance.

Are video visits with a dietitian online for <Name> covered by insurance?

Check your coverage to see if Nourish accepts your insurance plan. 

What to expect during a visit with a dietitian that specializes in <Name>?

During your first appointment with a dietitian, you can expect to review your medical history, eating habits, and lifestyle. You’ll get to know your dietitian and you’ll have the opportunity to ask them any questions you have.

How can I find an online video visit with a dietitian that can help with <Name>?

Nourish offers completely virtual appointments that can help address <Name>.

How can I book a nutrition appointment online for <Name>?

Nourish offers completely virtual nutrition appointments and is covered by insurance. You can find a dietitian that’s right for you and filter by condition.

How can I see a dietitian that can help with <Name>?

Nourish has dietitians that specialize in <Name> that can help. Nourish uses evidence-based, personalized nutrition therapy so you feel your best.

What other conditions can a dietitian help with?

A registered dietitian can also help with the following related <Name> conditions:

What is Bulimia? 

The exact cause of bulimia is not fully understood, but a number of factors may contribute to its development.

People with bulimia usually appear to be of average body weight and recognize that their behaviors are unusual. Bulimia is frequently associated with symptoms of depression and changes in social adjustment, and people with bulimia may attach self-esteem to body image and feel out of control during binge-eating episodes.Bulimia is a serious condition that can have severe complications if left untreated. With treatment, however, you can take back control of your body image and eating habits and manage the risks of living with bulimia.

What’s the Difference Between Anorexia and Bulimia?

The principal difference between anorexia and bulimia is that while a person with anorexia takes extreme measures to lose weight or avoid gaining weight, a person with bulimia employs strategies to consistently purge food from their body after an episode of binge eating by taking laxatives or making themselves throw up. People with anorexia and people with bulimia both tend to fixate on their body weight and shape and have trouble accurately assessing their body image. 

Bulimia Signs and Symptoms 

Some of the warning signs of bulimia include:

  • Evidence of binge eating: Disappearance of large amounts of food in short periods of time, finding wrappers and containers.
  • Evidence of purging behaviors: Frequent trips to the bathroom after meals, signs and/or smells of vomiting, presence of laxatives or diuretics packages.
  • Excessive, rigid exercise regimen despite weather, fatigue, illness, or injury; compulsive need to “burn off” calories
  • Unusual swelling of the cheeks or jaw area.
  • Calluses on the back of the hands and knuckles from self-induced vomiting.
  • Discoloration or staining of the teeth.
  • Creation of lifestyle schedules to make time for binge-and-purge sessions.
  • Withdrawal from usual friends and activities.
  • Behaviors and attitudes indicating that weight loss, dieting, and control of food are becoming primary concerns.

Click here to read more about other symptoms of bulimia.

Causes of Bulimia

The exact cause of bulimia is not fully understood, but a number of factors may contribute to its development.

One possible cause of bulimia is a combination of genetic, environmental, and social factors. Research suggests that people with certain genes may be more prone to developing bulimia and other eating disorders. Additionally, certain environmental and social factors, such as a history of trauma or abuse, low self-esteem, or a culture that places a high value on thinness, may increase the risk of developing bulimia.

Other potential causes of bulimia include psychological issues, such as anxiety, depression, or perfectionism, as well as physiological factors, such as imbalances in brain chemicals that regulate appetite and mood. It is also possible that bulimia may be triggered by dieting or attempts to control weight, which can lead to a cycle of binging and purging behaviors.

Bulimia Health Risks

Bulimia nervosa can be extremely harmful to the body. The binge-and-purge cycles can damage the entire digestive system, the heart and other major organ functions.

Some of the health consequences include:

  • Electrolyte imbalances (caused by dehydration from purging) can lead to irregular heartbeats and heart failure
  • InflammationRupture of the esophagus from frequent vomiting
  • Tooth decay and staining from stomach acids released during vomiting
  • Chronic irregular bowel movements and constipation from laxative abuse
  • Gastric rupture is an uncommon but possible side effect of binge eating

Helping Someone with Bulimia

If you have a friend or family member who is struggling with bulimia, there are a few things you can do to support them:

  • Set aside a time for a private meeting with your friend to discuss your concerns openly and honestly in a caring, supportive way.
  • Ask your friend to explore these concerns with a counselor, doctor, nutritionist, or other health professional.
  • Avoid placing shame, blame, or guilt on your friend regarding their actions or attitudes, and avoid giving simple solutions.
  • Remind your friend that you care and want your friend to be healthy and happy and express your continued support.

Bulimia Treatment 

The right approach for bulimia treatment typically depends on the severity of your condition as well as your age, overall health, medical history, and other factors. In more severe cases, urgent medical care is needed to address physical health complications. 

Nutrition counseling from a registered dietitian who specializes in eating disorders is a critical part of recovering and managing your bulimia. The specialized bulimia treatment team at Nourish will work with you to understand the biological, psychological, and social contributors to your eating disorder. Your treatment team will seek to understand the psychological issues that contribute to your eating disorder and help identify and treat root causes.

At Nourish, we have a team of bulimia dietitians who specialize in working with patients at all stages of recovery. We offer nutrition counseling over telehealth and accept insurance in order to make accessing care as easy and affordable as possible.